recruitment workshops
Each workshop is a half-day workshop and can be combined to create a full day and/or multiple days.
Each workshop content and format is based on the TAP process – Theory, Application and Practice – with each key subject being presented, discussed, debated and understood by the group, and workshopped through engaging practical exercises.

The Recruitment Toolkit – The Essentials
(part one)
o Role and Profiling - Why, When, Where and What
o The How - Candidate Profiling and Sourcing
o Planning and Preparation
o Interview Process(es)
o Interviewing Skills and Techniques
o Effective Questioning and Listening
o Candidate review and evaluation
Who is this workshop for?
Anyone in a recruitment role
Anyone with a part in the recruitment process

The Recruitment Toolkit - The Essentials
(part two)
• Decision Making - 1st Choice, 2nd Choice....3rd?
• Good News / Bad News - Candidate Communication
• Internal Communication
• All Aboard - Implementation & Induction
• Employee Review - The First Phase
• PDP's and Next Steps
Who is this workshop for?
Anyone in a recruitment role
Anyone with a part in the recruitment process